Hi there, It hasn't been long since my last post, and for good reason! I've been busy learning about the best management tools for market farmers, and compiling all of my notes to share. Even if you're not into farming, I found many of the over-arching themes of my two days in Bonner Springs to be applicable to my own personal life and finances. While I know that you probably won't be able to grasp as much as I did, I hope that these notes and reflections will make you think twice about your current organizational systems and future planning. The best way I decided to organize my 19 pages for you was to create a list at the top of my typing of the most meaningful sentences I wrote. I'll try not to go too in-depth on each one. :) You aren't entitled to the business you want--Seth Godin Basically, farming is work. It's not going to just be handed to you. Production without profit it just work. I liked this because it made me think...