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How I stay grounded as a digital nomad and modern-day gypsy

I get a lot of questions about what it's like to not have a real permanent home. Not everyone is excited about having their entire life fit into two suitcases, but somehow, that's where I find myself now.

Talking with a new friend the other day, I realized that the longest I lived in one place since moving away from Kansas back in 2018 was a year and a half...and even then, that included a three-month trip abroad.

I've lived in cities with several million people, college towns, and tiny towns (e.g. Vergas, at pop. 350). And each experience has taught me a lot about myself and what I'm looking for in community. It's also forced me to come up with ways to stay grounded, despite all the change.

For any of you out there that find yourselves in a similar, somewhat ungrounded state, here's what I have to offer:

1) Listen to music that reminds you of home

2) Make frequent phone calls to friends and family

3) Send random text messages and emails to people to tell them how much they mean to you

4) Keep a daily gratitude journal and writing for fun to process life

5) Make foods as weekly rituals (for me, it's been homemade granola and chai when my lodging gives me access to the amenities to cook)

6) Check in weekly with your co-workers and colleagues 

These moments keep me solid when I feel like everything is moving around.  


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