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Showing posts from July, 2020

The joy of commitment

I don't know about you, but it seems like time is pretty warped these days. Sometimes things that happened a week ago feels like three months, and other times something that happened three months ago felt like it was just yesterday. I'm sure it doesn't help that I've physically relocated, turned town a fellowship, enrolled in summer classes, and decided to launch a consulting business. In short, a lot of shit is going on. And I think the coming of CSA deliveries on Mondays and Tuesdays here at Lida Farm are one of the reasons why the weeks of summer feel like they are flying by.  Somewhere along the way, in the many adventures of the last six or eight weeks, I decided to eliminate the reputation I have of not finishing things - of half-assing it and calling it good. When I say half-ass that's more like me not putting in 120% to get over my perfectionism, but what I'm talking about here is commitment.  Oxford has some funny definitions of the word: "the stat...